Spiritual Growth
At Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch, we provide ample opportunities for young men to grow in their faith throughout treatment. Our Christ-centered environment provides chapels, bible studies, Christian curriculum, discipleship, local and global missions, and much more.

Faith-Based Recovery Improves Long-Term Success
Did you know that faith-based recovery programs are up to 20% more effective than traditional treatment options without a faith-based component? Many of the challenges that adolescents struggle with are rooted in identity. The world is full of conflicting messages and as teens who are seeking increasing independence, it can quickly become confusing to find the right direction.
Through a relationship with Christ, every young man can find his true identity and purpose. This clarity can inspire transformative change that facilitates sustainable, long-term recovery from addiction, poor mental health, and maladaptive behaviors.
At Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch, we believe in empowering youth to explore their own faith in a supportive environment that aids personal and spiritual growth.
99% report better family relationships
3 out 4 make a decision for Christ that aids recovery
78% sustain recovery for 12+ months

Find Purpose. Discover Identity. Build Community.
Growing in faith is an individual journey, unique to the experience of each person. At Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch, we create opportunities to learn about Jesus and the bible.