Changed Life Stories: Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer Torres stood confidently before a small crowd at a dedication event for a new equestrian center at Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch. Two years before, she had been on her knees begging God to save her son. Today, she was in a very different and much happier place, grateful for the miracles that had come to pass.

Jennifer is a single mom of two teens. For years, she has worked hard to provide a modest life for her family but as is often the case with single-parent households, finances have always been a little tighter than she would like. Most of us can probably relate to the constant stress of keeping the bills paid and a savings account balance that never quite seems to feel comfortable.

As Jennifer began to speak, she told the story of how her son began to experience a crisis of identity as he reached his teen years. Always an energetic and magnetic, he had a personality that was big enough to fill any room. But on the inside, he struggled to love and accept himself which led to periods of depression that grew more frequent as he got older.

She saw signs of the storm brewing inside him and she tried to love him through it, to make sure that he knew Jesus, and to give him whatever support she could. Then, one day after a particularly stressful argument, he simply left home. For two weeks he was gone, without a word. For two weeks she searched and cried and prayed.

In that darkness, she began to realize how significant his struggle was and that to heal, he would need help.

After two weeks of silence and separation, the phone rang – he was on the other end asking if he could come home. Immediately Jennifer’s heart filled with hope as she eagerly welcomed him back. While the relief and joy felt from their reunion was unmistakable, Jennifer knew that getting him home was only the first step.

As they sat and talked into the early hours of the morning, her son had shared just enough from his two week absence to let Jennifer know that he was struggling deeply and that he had experienced additional trauma as the result of his choices. She knew, without any question, that he needed professional help. She also knew from her own experiences that a Teen Challenge program could change everything.

She researched their options and she made some calls. Jennifer felt deeply that God was pointing her to Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch in Morrow, Arkansas. Being from the Southwestern US, it felt like a leap of faith to go to Arkansas, but that decision would lead to a miraculous change for their family.

She called and spoke with the admissions team where she received disappointing news. The cost of treatment was more than she could afford and she had no way to raise the funds needed to secure a placement.

Initially, she felt defeated. She felt like she was failing her son when he needed her the most.

She called again. And again was told there was no way. It felt impossible.

More tears, more prayers, more calls. Jennifer was determined to get her son help.

Just when she felt like she had exhausted every option and came up empty handed, the phone rang. It was Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch. A last minute approval on financial assistance, provided through donor support, had opened a door. Jennifer’s son would be placed at Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch the following Monday.

For the next nine months, her son engaged in immersive, Christ-centered residential treatment while life continued to happen all around them. It was at Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch that her son was able to stabilize, where he learned to identify his feelings and the underlying causes, where he grew in his faith and healed his relationship with his mother and his sister.

At the end of treatment, he was in a healthier place and instead of choosing conflict and distance, he chose to pursue a discipleship training program through Youth with a Mission where he could his big personality and admiration for entertainment to help others facing similar struggles.

Today, Jennifer is grateful to have her son alive, healthy, happy, and in her life – all things that were nearly lost through a serious mental health struggle. This transformation story that saved a family was made possible by the consistent, generous support of donors that support Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch.

Jennifer cried one more time as she shared this story, but this time her tears were from gratefulness instead of sorrow.


The Future Looks Brighter with Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch

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