Video Game Addiction Treatment for Teen Boys

Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch is a residential therapy program for teen boys ages 14-17. Our dual-diagnosis treatment approach helps teens with life-controlling addictions find recovery by addressing the symptoms of addiction and the underlying mental health needs causing maladaptive behaviors.
Video Game Addiction in Teen Boys
Video game addiction, also known as gaming disorder, refers to a pattern of excessive or compulsive use of video games that leads to significant impairment or distress. When a teens obsession with gaming impairs his ability to maintain personal or family relationships, perform in school, or meet other developmentally appropriate expectations, it becomes a life-controlling addiction.
According to Pew Research Center, 72% of teens use video gaming as a key component of socialization. Gaming, even frequently, is not necessarily a negative behavior. But parents should be aware that gaming activates the release of dopamine in the brain which means that it affects neurochemistry.
The thrill-seeking nature of video games and the high degree of immersion can make gameplay an addiction-forming habit for some teens. When video gaming becomes a life-controlling addiction, a long-term residential therapy program can help by providing addiction treatment paired with mental health treatment.

We provide a variety of therapeutic modalities designed to help teens overcome addictions & develop healthy coping strategies.

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy with Licensed, Christian Therapists

Addiction Stabilization with Psychiatric Evaluation & 24-Hour Nursing

Family Involvement in Therapy to Rebuild Important Social Relationships

Routine Management & Life Skill Building for Improved Social Function

In a study of more than 1400 teen gamers, nearly three out of every four (72%) had risk indicators for developing a gaming addiction. Additionally, teen boys are more likely than their female counterparts to develop gaming addictions with many seeking out gaming as a way to cope with negative feelings around the ages of 13-14.
Understanding How Video Game Addiction Hurts Teens
Playing video games is a normal part of adolescent development. According to the National Institute for Health, the average teen boy games for one hour on weekdays and one and half hours on the weekends.
Does that mean that if your son plays more frequently, he has an addiction? Not necessarily.
However, if you notice that video games seem to be taking an increasing priority in his life, be on the lookout for:
- Skipping Sleep or Keeping Unusual Hours
- Neglecting Personal Hygiene
- Dramatic Changes in Weight or Fitness
- Increased Anxiety or Depression
- Aggression, Behavioral Issues or Problems Regulating Emotions
- Time Management Problems
- Sudden Decline in School Performance
- Isolation or Conflict with Friends or Family
There's a Link Between Addiction & Impulse Control
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior
Bullying, Aggression, or Fighting
Theft, Vandalism, or Criminal Activity
Disordered Eating Habits
Self-Harm & Suicidal Behaviors
Excessive Screen Time
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Reckless or Impaired Driving
Gaming Addictions
When Is a Residential Treatment the Right Choice for a Teen with a Video Game Addiction?
Addictions can be one of the most challenging problems to overcome. While most families will begin in outpatient therapy, the intensive nature of a residential treatment center can often provide the best environment for treating video game addictions.
Depending on the stage, progression, and co-occurring conditions that come along with video game addiction, it can take anywhere between three weeks and three months to break a gaming addiction.
After that period of time, the best way to ensure sustainable recovery is to spend time developing healthier coping mechanisms to replace video gaming. For many, long-term residential treatment centers that offer extended services beyond a 90-day treatment program can be beneficial.
Are behaviors severely impacting daily life?
When a teens desire to play video games begins to severely impact social, academic, or occupational functioning, treatment can help. Residential treatment is a common choice for treating addictions and addiction-forming habits.
Does the teen have more than one co-occurring diagnosis?
When more than one diagnosis is co-occuring, treatment becomes increasingly complex. These individuals often benefit from an immersive, residential treatment program that can tailor services to meet their unique needs. For example, if addiction-forming behaviors stem from past childhood trauma, a residential placement can support both root-cause interventions and the development of healthier coping strategies to stabilize behaviors.
Have outpatient treatment options previously failed?
For many, outpatient therapy provides enough support to overcome ADHD challenges. However, if a teens who have previously failed with outpatient services or who have had multiple short-term placements, often benefit from longer-term treatment like a residential program.
Is there an immediate risk of danger?
If behaviors pose an immediate risk to the individual or those around them, placement in a residential treatment program can help keep everyone safe.
Have Previous Treatment Options Failed?
Residential treatment is often most appropriate for individuals who have not seen sustained success with outpatient or short-term treatment options. The immersive, long-term approach of a residential treatment center can provide enhanced structure and support to facilitate an intense focus on recovery.
Why Choose Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch?
We provide holistic therapeutic interventions designed to stabilize behaviors, engage teen boys in therapeutic treatment, address root cause mental health issues, and build decisions-making and academic skills for long-term success.
Our approach to treating teens with video game addiction involves a period of therapy-intensive stabilization followed by an immersive routine management and skill-building boarding school environment. At the completion of the residential program, teens receive an additional six months of aftercare support to aid in their recovery transition.
Our six core areas of healing include:
- Clinical Therapy
- Individualized Academics
- Outdoor Adventure
- Equine Therapy
- Family Involvement
- Spiritual Growth