Social and Character Growth at Adventure Ranch
Students learn to interact with each other, with authority, and in society in a much more productive manner. Teen Challenge emphasizes the value of cooperation and consideration of others. Students are not only encouraged to manage their own behavior, they are also encouraged to be a positive influence on others.
Several aspects of our program (dorm life, ropes course, service projects, etc.) require students to work together toward a common goal. Students who have had interpersonal difficulties in the past learn new ways to work cooperatively with other people. Opportunities are also made for students to work cooperatively with their parents at the Reconnect Weekends. Students and their families take part in fun and challenging activities that encourage communication, consideration, and cooperation.
Teen Challenge emphasizes the importance of leadership. With humility and out of genuine concern for others, students are encouraged to positively influence those around them. Students do have the ability to affect their environment for the better, and they are encouraged to be role models for others. As students make positive changes in their own lives, they can also help motivate others to grow in both character and maturity.